Instructions for mixing and pouring Naturesin (acrylic composite) products



Mixing ratio by weight: 100 Naturesin to 27 water.



1. Preparation:
In a prepared container, add Naturesin material and water in a ratio of 100 to
27 by weight. To calculate the required amount of water, multiply the weight
of the powder by 0.27. For example, for 100 g of composite, you will need 27
g of water. For convenience, use our mixing ratio table.

2. Mixing:
It is recommended to add the powder to the water, rather than the other way
around, to ensure a better mix. Stir the mixture for 2-5 minutes until all lumps
disappear and the composition becomes smooth and homogeneous.

3. Pouring:
Carefully pour the prepared mixture, starting from the highest point of the
mold to minimize air bubbles. After pouring, tap the mold on a surface a few
times to release any remaining air bubbles.

4. Curing:
You can remove the product from the mold 40 minutes after pouring. Let it
cure for 24 hours in a well-ventilated area to achieve full strength. After this
time, the material will become durable and water-resistant, even with
prolonged exposure to moisture.

5. Coloring:
To color the material, use dry pigments, adding up to 5% of the total weight to
the mixture. Liquid dyes intended for epoxy resin may not mix well with the
composite. Finished products can also be painted with acrylic, oil, or other
types of paint. Using large fillers is not recommended.